Website Policies

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Services we provide under Website Policies

Terms of Services: An Overview

The terms of service agreement is a legally binding agreement between you and your customers. It involves an offer, such as the website rules and regulations, as well as acceptance, such as your ongoing use of this website indicating that you accept the terms and privacy policy You are leaving yourself unprotected if faced with any legal concerns with your website if you do not have a well-written terms of service agreement.

Elements Included in the Terms of Service

The policy will simply mention the information required by the website, such as name, email id, contact number, etc, according to the preference of the service/product.

Each policy will have different reasons for collecting the information from the user. Some of the reasons would be for internal recordkeeping, delivering the goods, etc.


Followed by it, there are certain security measures taken to avoid and prevent unauthorised usage or access to the information given by the users. This is a precaution that the other people apart from the legal administrators should access the content.

Links to Other Websites

Sometimes a website contains links to other websites. Usually, when you visit a website, there will be other links that take you to other websites. In that note, the terms of service privacy policy will explicitly mention in its policies that when you visit a website and click any other links in that website that takes you to the other sites, and if you provide any information on that other site, then the website is not responsible for the information provided to or on other sites.

Cancellation Policy

Sometimes, when you visit some service or product-based websites, you place an order online. Suddenly, for some reason, you might wish to cancel the order. Some websites and apps give you the provision to cancel the order within a limited time. Some websites don’t provide you with the option to cancel the placed orders. A cancellation policy outlines all terms and conditions about the cancellation of an order (service/product) placed.

Refund Policy

The terms and conditions that refer to the processing of a refund to a customer are called the refund policy. Normally, a refund is expected in the following two cases :

  • After receiving the product, the return of the product takes place due to the disliking of a product, a damaged product, a customer receiving the wrong product, or for any other predefined reason.
  • Cancellation of the order placed on the website/application for which the payment is already made online

The refund policy will consist of all the necessary details on how the refund will take place, the process, procedure of it, etc., in a detailed manner.


A disclaimer is a notice that informs visitors to your blog or website of the scope of your liabilities. Disclaimers can be found as stand-alone, separate pages on a website or within legal documents like a privacy policy or terms and conditions agreement.

A well-written disclaimer can:

  • Ensure that your intellectual property is protected.
  • Dissuade others from unauthorised use of your intellectual property.
  • Protect yourself from accusations that you stole, copied, or misused someone else’s intellectual property.

Though you may not notice them, disclaimers can be found on practically every website, and yours should contain one as well.

Cookie Policy

A cookie policy educates your visitors about which cookies are active on your site, what user data they track, for what purpose, and where this data is sent around the world.

Many website owners provide a cookie policy as part of their overall privacy policy. You can also make a separate section for your website’s cookie policy. This is also a legal requirement in most places.

Shipping Policy

A shipping policy is a brief document or webpage that highlights critical information about shipping when an order is placed online. It usually includes information about shipping fees and procedures, as well as delivery timelines and other details.

Some shipping policies are more comprehensive than others, but they should all be clear, precise, and simple to understand. Many times, extra information such as a returns and exchange policy is also offered, giving a 360-degree view to customers before they purchase.

Delivery Policy

A delivery policy is a written document that specifies a company’s delivery procedures. A delivery policy covers things like expected delivery range, shipping fees, delivery locations, and delivery methods.

Benefits of Terms of Service

  • A contract that details and specifies the length to which a person can use your information, acknowledge and manage the same are terms of service and privacy policy
  • All service producers should let their clients know about the conditions below which the services are rendered
  • To keep things transparent, these conditions are informed through a set of policies, which lays the boundaries and the legal liaison between both parties
  • Frequently used by online service providers, the contract is legally confining and can be changed without giving prior announcements
  • Therefore, e-commerce website must have terms of service policies mentioned on their website
  • The guidelines should detail what information is received, kept classified or shared with or sold to other firms, researchers or sellers.

Overview of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union adopted a law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Its main objective is to protect European individuals’ private data. It increases the transparency of how public and commercial organisations process personal data. Private data can be misused in the modern world. The GDPR’s 11 chapters contain a variety of laws, including principles, general rules, data rights, supervisory authorities, data controller obligations, and more.

Both organisations and corporations based in Europe that are citizens of that continent are subject to GDPR protection. No matter where a business is located, it must comply with the GDPR protection if it markets products or services to EU citizens. Your firm can enhance the protection of customer data by guaranteeing GDPR compliance.

Why Implement GDPR?

The simple answer to this is the public concern over personal data. In general, Europe has long had stricter regulations governing how businesses may utilise the personal information of its residents. The EU’s Data Protection Directive, which became operative in 1995, is replaced by the GDPR. This was long before the internet evolved into the modern-day centre for online commerce. The directive is therefore out of date and does not address many of the ways that data is stored, gathered, and moved today.

How genuine is the public’s worry about privacy? It is important, and its impact only increases with each new high-profile data breach. 80% of customers indicated stolen banking and financial data is a major concern, according to the RSA Data Privacy & Security Report, which was based on RSA’s poll of 7,500 consumers in France, Germany, Italy, the UK, and the United States.

The 62% of respondents to the RSA report say that they would blame the firm for their lost data in the event of a breach, not the hacker, ‘As consumers grow better informed, they expect more transparency and response from the stewards of their data,” the report’s authors wrote in their conclusion.

7 Key Principles of the GDPR

One must be aware of the key principles of GDPR India. Given below are the 7 key principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • Puts a strong emphasis on transparency for all users, meaning that when data is acquired, firms must be upfront about why they are collecting it and how they intend to use it.
  • Limit your data collection to the purposes for which it is necessary. In other words, information that has been gathered for a given reason or purpose cannot be used in a different way for that reason or purpose.
  • Ensure that the data collected is sufficient, pertinent, and constrained. Based on this tenet, businesses must make sure they only store the information necessary to accomplish their goals.
  • Data controllers are responsible for ensuring that information is accurate, valid, and appropriate for its intended use. Organisations must implement procedures and guidelines to address how they manage data in order to comply.
  • Regulate how data is kept and moved around the company. This entails putting in place and enforcing data retention guidelines as well as preventing unauthorised data transit and storage.
  • The organisation collecting and processing the data is entirely responsible for putting in place the necessary security precautions to safeguard the personal information of the individuals.
  • Organisations must be able to back up each step in the GDPR plan as proof that they have taken the appropriate measures to protect a person’s personal data.

Benefits of GDPR Compliance

  • Protects consumer data
  • Builds trust between the consumers and the business
  • Prevents penalties that arise from non-compliance
  • Data management becomes smoother
  • Creates awareness of security vulnerabilities
  • Makes the enterprise responsible and accountable for processing data and preventing misuse
  • Improves brand reputation.

GDPR compliance can support and boost your business. It has a positive impact which is why it is advised to be more compliant and fulfilling all duties provided under the GDPR.

How to be a GDPR Compliant

Step 1: Document all the personal data received from website users, and to whom it is shared with

Step 2: Users should be provided with an opt-out option, by stating what kind of cookies are on the website and that it can track their location

Step 3: Two documents to record the consent of clients/customers, to use their information. One records who gave consent, and the other records who haven’t

Step 4: Ensure the rights of individuals are provided with their personal data so that their data can be deleted upon request (usually within one month)

Step 5: Only store clients/customers data, with their consent

Step 6: Data is to be stored for the shortest period possible, and deleted when the work with the data is done. If not, the customer should be informed

Step 7: If a customer deletes their account, try to reach out to the person for consent if you can store their data

Step 8: Make sure you have procedures in place to detect, report, and investigate breaches of data

Step 9: Designate an officer to take responsibility for data protection compliance. If not, make sure users are informed

Step 10: A data retention schedule has to be created in accordance with the data destruction policy, to periodically destroy the data that reaches the retention deadline

Step 11: The company’s computer systems must be encrypted, and should maintain a record of physical security of data such as paper filings, USB disks etc

Step 12: The right to be informed, to eliminate, to modify, to access, to data portability, to restrict data processing, to object, to automated decision making and profiling.

Rights of an Individual Under GDPR Compliance

You have the right to know what data the government and other organisations are holding about you under the Data Protection Act of 2018. These consist of the following:

  • access personal data
  • rectify inaccurate data
  • have data erased
  • stop or restrict processing of your data
  • be informed about how your data is being used (allowing you to get and reuse your data for different services)
  • in some situations, object to how your data is processed

Additionally, if an organisation uses your personal data for any of the following purposes:

  • automatic methods for determining decisions (without human involvement)
  • profiling, such as determining your likely behaviour or interests

Website Disclaimer – An Overview

Any declaration that specifies or limits the range of rights and obligations that parties to a legally recognised relationship may exercise and enforce is often referred to as a disclaimer. The viewer accepts the disclaimer’s conditions by seeing it posted on your website and by having the precise legal language you require for it. This agreement should contain a statement that the visitor accepts all risks related to accessing and using any information on your website.

It’s simple to create a website disclaimer. But in all honesty, it’s very challenging. When generating a disclaimer, you must examine every eventuality that might occur in the future and account for it. Reach out to Spinach Laws if you need help creating your disclaimer; in a flash, a customised disclaimer for your company will be given to you.

You should be aware that a website disclaimer cannot ensure that there won’t be any unnecessary litigation. There may still be lawsuits filed against your company. Nevertheless, it will be able to serve as a defence. Your business has taken all essential safeguards, as shown by a disclaimer notice for the website or policy. It offers the protection you need if misuse of your content or service is discovered.

This policy might only apply to some aspects of your website. A website disclaimer, however, can cover some aspects of your website. You can obtain all the information by contacting our experts from Spinach Laws .

Checklist and Disclaimer Requirements

Here are some specifications to determine whether a disclaimer generator is necessary:

  • Describe the products or services you offer.
  • Any tangibles (materials or items), intangibles (information), or both may be included in the disclaimer
  • Consider the responsibility you face and identify the rights you want to preserve
  • Recognise the restrictions placed on legal disclaimers.

How to Write a Disclaimer?

It might be expensive to prepare a legal disclaimer for you, particularly if you own a small business or are a freelancer. Fortunately, writing a legal disclaimer for your company on your own is possible.

A legal disclaimer is a clause used to safeguard your company or organisation’s products, data, and real and intangible assets. It safeguards the entity providing the disclaimer’s legal rights in its work and restricts its legal liability. A disclaimer usually consists of one or two sentences. Consult with a lawyer if you need clarification on whether you have written a strong disclaimer.

  • If you offer products or services, you must have a disclaimer, but the specifics of the disclaimer will depend on what you offer.
  • Consider the potential liabilities you face
  • Recognise the restrictions on legal disclaimers
  • Reduce your liability to other parties
  • Include terms and conditions, so everyone knows their rights and obligations, both the company and the client.

There are a few more steps included, and Spinach Laws experts are available to you around the clock to write a disclaimer to assist you with the same.

Types of Disclaimers

Copyright Disclaimer

copyright disclaimer is a statement made by anyone who reproduces a copyrighted work, stating that the reproduction is protected by law. It also contains pertinent information about the content’s source (if it was a copyrighted work). Any usage must include a copyright disclaimer to make it clear to readers or viewers that it does not violate the author’s rights to the original work.

Fair Use Disclaimer

The fair use disclaimer concept states that in some instances, such as for news reporting, commentary, criticism, research, teaching, or scholarship, copyrighted material may be used without the owners’ permission. Under a four-factor balancing test, it allows for the legitimate, non-licensed citation or integration of copyrighted material in the works of other authors. The United States is where the phrase ‘fair usage’ first appeared. In various other common law countries, fair dealing is a comparable concept. Other restrictions and exceptions to copyright exist in jurisdictions under civil law.

No Responsibility Disclaimer

Disclaimers of liability cover both actual and intangible losses (is not responsible for any costs), such as bodily harm caused by using a product, lost revenue or data, and defamatory remarks.

Views Expressed Disclaimer

A disclaimer of opinions or views states that the views stated in the content are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent those of the website or any of its affiliates. A view expressed disclaimer can be used by people to publish on many platforms and separate their views from those of their employer or any other organisation.

Offensive Content Disclaimer

One must alert site visitors to the possibility of finding offensive content there. Disclaimers about offensive content shield your site’s users from seeing things they’re either not ready for or don’t want to view. More importantly, these disclaimers provide an additional line of defence against responsibility if someone uploads something that hurts your company, including but not limited to you.

Past Performance Disclaimer

One of the simplest disclaimers to include is one regarding past performance because it simply calls for a brief declaration. ‘Previous success does not ensure future success’, If you work in a field that involves any level of risk, you should always include one of these disclaimers. They are typically employed on financial websites that deal with trading, investing, and banking. If you are subject to SEC regulation, SEC Rule 156 requires you to expressly advise investors not to base their decisions on historical performance. On most regular websites and apps, they are rarely necessary. However, if you’re trading in advice or consulting in any area, it’s worth adding the disclaimer.

Errors and Omissions Disclaimer

Errors and omissions disclaimers restrict your liability if the information you provide is inaccurate or is missing crucial information that alters the meaning or result of what you’re trying to communicate. Companies that share or discuss data, especially data that changes often, frequently employ these disclaimers. In essence, it asserts that you are not accountable for maintaining the accuracy or completeness of your content.

Disclaimers for Affiliates

The FTC and the majority of reputable affiliate networks, including Amazon, mandate affiliate disclaimers. Although these disclaimers are straightforward, they must adhere to specific rules. Despite the length of these rules, the word ‘unambiguous’ serves as their best summary. Your disclaimer must distinctly declare that you are a participant in an affiliate program and that you receive compensation as a result of your participation if you want to comply with the program regulations and the requirements of the federal trade commission. Additionally, it should be prominently displayed where any sane website visitor may see it.

Testimonials Disclaimer

A testimonial disclaimer is a notice that users can encounter on a website, app, or social media page warning them that their experiences may not match those described in reviews or testimonials. The testimonials page and the terms and conditions frequently contain testimonial disclaimers. The testimonial disclaimer notes that it just represents one person’s experience and does not represent the opinions of other users. Additionally, prior to posting any endorsements or testimonials that you in any manner paid for, you must disclose that fact.

Disclaimer Notice for Website

Visitors to your website need to understand how it works and how you might utilise their personal information. The content of the website’s copyright must also be made explicit. In addition, you must provide your employees with clear instructions on how to utilise social media, email, and the internet for both personal and professional purposes. All this would be included in the disclaimer notice for the website.

Website Disclaimer Must Cover

  • You must create terms and conditions of use for visitors if your company has a website. These define the legal responsibilities and rights between you and website visitors.
  • Your website’s terms and conditions ought to include:
  • Copyright of the website’s content
  • The ways in which you can access the website and content
  • All the legal procedures involved along with the registration and password
  • Website availability
  • Cookies usage
  • Other websites’ links
  • Liability and responsibility

Process of Drafting a Disclaimer For Website Through Spinach Laws

Step 1: Get in touch with Spinach Laws and speak with the best attorneys

You can easily get in touch with our expert team by filling in an online form on our website. Our experts will get in touch with you and resolve all the queries regarding generating a disclaimer.

Step 2: Generating a disclaimer

You will have to provide all your requirements and explain the need for a disclaimer to our experts. After finalising the type of disclaimer, subsequently we will draft a document and the first copy of a disclaimer and share it with you.

Step 3: Free Iterations

You can go through the first draft of disclaimer and reach back to us for any changes. Our expert team will provide two different rounds of free iterations before finalising the disclaimer draft.

Benefits of a Disclaimer Generator

Reduces Risk

In any legally recognised connection, such as the one between a manufacturer and a customer, disclaimers safeguard the interests of both sides. A well-written disclaimer can help avoid uncertainty and lower legal risks significantly.

Reduces Liability

A disclaimer is typically used in situations where there is a chance of error or ambiguity. A well-written disclaimer sums up both parties’ rights and obligations in such situations

Legal Protection of Ownership

If someone takes your creative work, legal protection of ownership through copyright disclaimers can prevent an expensive ownership dispute. Copyright Disclaimer implies that the work is registered under the registration of copyright act of 1976, providing you with ownership documentation and absolving you of all legal obligations.

Preventative Measures

Copyright disclaimers are preventative measures that help stop the unauthorised use of the author’s work by third parties. The author may issue a ‘cease’ notice if you discover that someone is plagiarising your work. So, a person won’t have to worry about legal issues in the future. It also saves a lot of money.


If your copyright is filed within five years, the copyright disclaimer aids in demonstrating the validity of the same. This makes your rights to creative work more viable and opens them up to potential future challenges.

Possibility of Filing a Lawsuit for Infringement

The possibility of filing an infringement suit is arguably the biggest benefit. Even if a copyright holder possesses rights to a work, those rights—which come with limited exceptions—cannot be enforced in court until the work is registered in India. A copyright owner cannot file a lawsuit for copyright violation without registration and a disclaimer.

Putting Your Work and Ownership on Public Display

An author’s work will be listed in the Copyright Office’s Catalogue and made public through copyright registration and disclaimer. Your work will be preserved and will be visible to everyone who comes across it by browsing this catalogue.By doing so, you effectively notify the public that you are the author of this work and support any accusations of ‘innocent infringement’ that may be made against you.


Copyright disclaimer also benefits the copyright holder by establishing his ownership of a certain work and increasing the reputation of the product.

What Factors Should a Website Disclaimer Address?

Limited Liability for Merchandise and Services, Both Tangible and Intangible

Always write legal disclaimers with the possibility of court action in mind. You will have some time to consider the precise wording of your disclaimer as a result. Include all potential obligations for the goods or services you offer in your disclaimer. Any risks or hazards your product may pose should be disclosed to customers. You should be aware that while the list outlines specific concerns, it is not all-inclusive. For instance, you could type ‘notice of risk’.

Keeping Your Liability to Third Parties Under Control While Upholding Your Rights

This is essential regardless of whether your business works with outside vendors, displays advertisements, or has a public website or social media presence. For instance, if you own a wedding planning company, your disclaimer should state that you are not liable for the negligence of your contractors. As much as you want to reduce your risk of being sued, you also want to safeguard your product’s intellectual property rights and deter others from copying them.

Include terms and conditions as well as a privacy statement.

The terms and conditions set clearly the rights and responsibilities of you, the firm, and your customer. If a consumer violates the terms and conditions, your website disclaimer may release you from liability. A privacy statement outlines how your company will collect and utilise client data.

Contact information

If you don’t feel uncomfortable sharing personal information, list as many ways to reach you as you can. Your email address should be at the very least included.

Make Customers Aware of Your Disclaimer

The disclaimer must be put in a location where the general public may see it. Make it stand out by using boldface. It is crucial to prove that your clients have read and accepted the disclaimer. The disclaimers usually referred to as document disclaimers, are used in a variety of documents. The purpose of this draft document disclaimer is to make it clear that the information contained therein is private and extremely confidential.

Scope of Work and Deliverables Agreement

The Scope of Work (SOW) is a part of an agreement where the tasks to be completed is defined. The SOW must include any events, articles, deliverables, and results that are expected to be presented by the operating party. The SOW can also hold a timeline for all deliverables. The difficulty with the scope of work agreements is a loss of specificity when two individuals opposed what should have been given, and a summary of the SOW does not recommend one account over the other. This problem is well-known in analysis protocols and is often where conflicts arise. The most reliable way to avoid this difficulty is to avoid all uncertainty.

Benefits of the scope of work



Giving extra time initially on the features of the SOW can spare time in the long run for everyone included in the entire project. There is accurate knowledge, like how many characters and what equipment is required before a plan starts, but other features are often important. For instance, if the work needs to be performed after hours or on weekends.


Cost Saving


Securing more people because the scope was inaccurate or not related exponentially expands the service values. Not only service charges, but there are moments that revenue-driving industries and material need to be closed down while the task is accomplished. The more knowledge distributed with all people connected, the more active trading can be up and working continuously.


Reputation Saving


Business people need to make each plan as hassle-free and cost-efficient as possible to promote repeat traffic and referrals. Weak or poor SOWs usually leave people and organizations looking inadequate even when the error is not their own.

Checklist Requirements of the scope of work

A Scope of Work should include the following segments:

  • Project purposes: Your problem description. It must be transparent with what is the problem that you’re meeting, and what do you need to accomplish with this scheme.
  • Agenda/Events: It must state when the project gets rising and when does it need to be completed. Further, what are the main milestones or aspects of the scheme that you’ll be capable to follow and include development?
  • Individual Duties: It includes, what specifically requires to get prepared to go from wherever you are now to complete the work?
  • Deliverables: What do you demand after the plan? Is it normally a file of the site or available code on platform services that you can achieve when you’re available?
  • Payment Information: The cost of the project and payment method should be clarified.
  • Proposed Outcomes: The solution to your puzzle or problem record or statement. If you are looking for an improvement in business traffic, alterations, or trades, state, what is the marketing goal that you want to focus on this project? Further, mention how you will cover and publish on it?
  • Conditions, terms, and specifications: Determine the terms you are working in the SOW and any restrictions or specifications that aren’t previously made clear.

Structure for the scope of work and deliverables agreement


Before you get into the scheme, it is necessary to make the essential level of data down. Mention what kind of work has been done? Is it a service that’s being delivered or a stock that’s being created? Who are the people involved?

The introduction can also include the types of legal contracts that the SOW can be done to build later, such as:

  • Competing offer: An agreement to buy goods or services at a specific price for a specific time.
  • Record: A more regular, lawfully required agreement based on commonly agreed on features.

Project summary and purposes

Start the project with an analysis of the project, the connection around it, and the marketing strategy it is working to resolve or predictable results.

Scope of business

The next segment describes the work that wants to be prepared to achieve the design. Further, keep this as a priority. You can take this as an important record of steps or an easy solution.

For example, let’s say you’re engaging a business to restructure your website. The scope of the work part might involve steps like “Plan unique website mockups, and “generate innovative website layout.” While the following section will split these down into the real tasks required such as “design new landing page layout criteria.”

In any case, your scope region can also add specialized elements like the software and hardware to be applied.


The task control is an amazingly significant part of any plan, but particularly when you are operating with an external organization. Cutting down your more extensive scope into more granular effects is the safest way to secure everyone on an equal page about what wants to get prepared.

One tip to get here is that tasks are not deliverables. They’re the effects that require to be used. As such, every task you sign down should describe a particular effort to be used.

For software projects, you will want to be particularly careful about moving into detail. Think about talks and schedule all the software will do right to what fields are agreeing to be added and where that information is being given.

Project Plan

The SOW outline program covers more than just start and end days. It is a possibility to plan when, where, whereby, and by what the work is continuing to be made.

Project Deliverables

The project deliverables segment of SOW is where you will list and specify what you require to get at the end of the design. Here are the formal results from the task program you have already put commonly before

In many circumstances, you might want to connect the timeline and deliverables so that you have an actual idea of when each deliverable should be completed and what is reliant on it. This way, you get a greater entire understanding of the project.

  • Coded, completely working landing page
  • Re-structured e-commerce page template
  • Google Analytics fixings and tracking metrics

Project Administration

With most of the features on the exact project in point, there’s a part of managing work given to add in SOW.

  • Recording: State who is accountable for engaging off on deliverables, allowing scope modifications/changes, and marketing help and support?
  • Terms: What other conditions and rules are in need to agree? It might be a security requirement. Omissions or opinions that are who holds the system at the end of the plan.

Success Principles and Sign-off

Finally, the concluding part of your SOW includes how you will receive the design deliverables. It determines who will allow them and how it will be evaluated and approved. You should also present a section of administration and rules about what is “fair” work. Therefore, the final step is a couple of signatures and sign-off process.

Features of SOW

Specific Features: If it is not on the SOW, don’t expect that it will be done. It means including opinions on work, experience, and supplies.| Visualizations: when it is reasonable, show what you’re communicating about preferably than try to describe. Visuals, images, and models go a long way in defining your aims and requirements.| Explanations for any specification: Explain the exact procedure or the process of your work.| Conditions for reports: A SOW is a project. But at their best, plans are just trained opinions. Ensure that your project plan and deliverable timeline has space in it for reports and sudden variations in preferences.

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